Saturday, December 01, 2007

College, er, life..

Life, has so totally changed. Yup, it has.

Entirely. or, yentiyerly, as they all say.

But I do have to say, that the transition from school to college is oh-so overhyped.

"You know what da, college is great da, but school is in a different class of its own (no pun intended).

Balls to you. Think I didnt know that for myself? What do you take me for, some kinda dumb whacked out nutter?
(Dumb, I dont know, but whacked out nutter, yes :D )

College as it is, is lots of cun, of course, I have realised that my new set of friends also like poking the crap outta teachers and making fun of them.
*Its like, its like.... I dont know... like, we were all destined to study together*

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Mubbu ppl!

Mubbu ppl!
man, we look so bloody drunk.. especially Vyas(extreme right)